Events & Courses
Get Your Project Funded
29 February 2024
This Sound Connections session with Nancy Hitzig will cover the basics of raising funds for yourself, your project or your organisations

In this session you will:

  • Learn about different ways of generating income: trusts and foundations, donations, crowd-sourcing, matched funding, in-kind funding
  • Learn about what funders are looking for
  • Explore planning for fundraising in your project timelines and being creative with this
  • Discuss the current funding landscape
  • Explore different ways of thinking about expenditure and budgets (often the most important element to a funder)
  • Consider how you/your organisation’s vision, what you do, and who you help can be matched with what funders might look for

The course will be interactive and task-based, and provide the opportunity for feedback on your ideas.

Tickets cost £25/£40/£50 or free to young people, students and unwaged.


Venue Details:
Online (Zoom)