Events & Courses
International, UK
Disability Disclosure & The Music Industry
03 December 2021
Youth Music's Empower Hour series: this session will explore what factors might be contributing towards a lack of disclosure among musicians who identify as disabled, and how creating an environment where people feel able to disclose can be beneficial to your organisation

Almost one on five people in the UK have a disability or long-term impairment, but the most recent statistics show only 1.8% of the music industry identifies as disabled. So, what are the reasons for the disparity? Could it be in part down to many choosing not to disclose? If that’s the case, why do music industry workers decide not to disclose?

The Bristol-based music management company specialises in artists with disability and strives to increase representation of disabled artists and to merge disability arts into pop culture. Owner Ben Price himself has a disability he choose not to disclose during a long career as a Tour Manager, before setting up his artist management company.

He now works to help others to feel empowered to do the same, and to get the support and adjustments they may need to help themselves and their employer get the most out of them in the workplace.

The session runs from 11am to 12pm and is free to attend.

To find out more and register, please visit:

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