Job & Career Opportunities
English Folk Dance & Song Society
Education Manager
Location: London
Salary: £31,527
Deadline: 07 February 2022
The English Folk Dance & Song Society is looking for an experienced and skilled music education manager for its programme of folk song, music and dance in formal education, informal learning and community settings

Sound Sense member The English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) is the national folk arts development organisation for England, with a remit to champion the folk arts at the heart of England’s rich and diverse cultural landscape.

This post, for an experienced and skilled music education manager, is a key role within the EFDSS Education team. The job involves managing, devising, initiating, and delivering projects, classes and courses using folk song, music, dance and other art forms with diverse groups of adults, families, children and young people in formal education, informal learning and community settings.

Person specification (not the complete list):

  • Strong knowledge, experience and skills in music education (instrumental and /or vocal) for learners of all ages in informal and formal learning settings.
  • Strong experience in managing learning projects and programmes, including operating project budgets, with the ability to embrace a multi-dimensional workload with a positive and pro-active attitude.
  • Experience in any form of folk or traditional music from any part of the world – ie music traditions that are learnt by ear and are community-based.
  • Strong interest in traditional English folk song, music and dance and willingness to increase knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Strong people managing skills and experience with the ability to establish positive relationships, provide support, and get the best out of our large team freelance artists and tutors

For more information and to apply, please visit: