Events & Courses
East of England
Their Voice: Lyric writing workshop for community music professionals
27 March 2020
An evening workshop with rapper and music producer Xidus Pain, hosted by Noise Solution

Noise Solution is delighted to host Their Voice, an evening's workshop with award-winning rapper and music producer Xidus Pain. Xidus has a successful track record of helping young (and old) people to discover their unique artistic voice and find the songs they want to write. Their Voice is designed to offer songwriters, musicians and community practitioners an opportunity to discover the techniques and tools to develop their own lyric writing and, most importantly, support others to do the same.

As an established hip-hop artist, Xidus is well acquainted with the unfair characterisations that can accompany the genre on the basis of lyrical content. Drawing on his own experience, Xidus will look at examples of how to challenge lyrical content in a song without killing the creativity of the person you are working with.

Tickets cost £15.


Venue Details:
Bury St Edmunds