Events & Courses
South West England
Music Leadership Workshops
09 February 2024 - 16 February 2024
The Multi-Story Orchestra is hosting two free-to-attend music workshops in Portsmouth and Gloucester
Unlock Your Music Leadership Potential: Free Music Workshops in Portsmouth and Gloucester! The Multi-Story Orchestra are hosting two free-to-attend music workshops across the two cities this February.

Portsmouth - in collaboration with Ark: Friday 9th February - 14:00 - 17:00, Location TBC
Gloucester - in collaboration with The Music Works: Friday 16th February - 17:00 - 20:00, The Music Works

Designed to introduce you to a world of collaborative music-making, The Multi-Story Orchestra invites you to a unique and exciting workshop, led by singer-songwriter Abimaro Gunnell, alongside orchestral musician Yusuf Narcin.

Our workshop will focus on group creative music-making - how to improvise, create and make music as a group together. It will develop your leadership and confidence as a musician and will be a chance to learn new skills, meet new people, and get involved with the unique and dynamic Multi-Story Orchestra.

Whether you're an experienced music leader or a beginner, this session will focus on the art of improvisation, group songwriting, exploring ways to create and make music as a cohesive group. Abimaro and our Multi-Story musicians will guide you through exercises that not only enhance your musical skills but also develop your leadership and confidence as a musician.

For more information visit https://multi-story.org.uk/workshops
Venue Details: