Events & Courses
Inclusive Practice In Action 2024
14 March 2024
Sound Connections’ Inclusive Practice in Action (IPIA) gathering for 2024 will take place at Amnesty International in London
Focusing on Youth Voice, Sound Connections’ Inclusive Practice in Action (IPIA) gathering for 2024 will once again take place at Amnesty International in London, on Thursday 14 March 2024.

As leaders in Youth Voice and Participation, both regionally and nationally, Sound Connections works to amplify young people’s voices through advocacy and campaigning across the United Kingdom and beyond. Our annual IPIA gatherings exist to explore and define inclusive practice and advocate for a more equitable world, and this year we are excited to be dedicating IPIA to a matter that lies at the heart of everything we do – Youth Voice.

Join us for a day that will platform the voices and experiences of young people in music, demonstrating how and why implementing youth voice into organisational practice benefits everyone.
- Engage in open discussions surrounding inclusivity and intersectionality, through the lens of Youth Voice.
- Learn directly from young people and deepen your understanding of what is important to young people today.
- Connect with like-minded people of all ages and levels of experience, all aligned in a commitment to working with a youth-led approach.
- Challenge hierarchical dynamics by putting young people centre stage, with them as the experts.
- Reflect on your own practice and how you might create space for new approaches and ideas inspired by people who are different from you.
- Be empowered with the practical tools and knowledge to take your next steps – whether you are a young person emerging into the creative industries, or a professional looking to develop your own / your organisations’ youth voice work – no matter what stage of your journey you are currently at, you are welcome!

Tickets: Early Bird Prices
Students, young people aged 16-25, and unwaged – £5
Individual practitioners / freelancers – £40
Organisation band 1 (under 100k turnover) – £80
Organisation band 2 (100k+ turnover) – £125

For more information visit www.sound-connections.org.uk/events/inclusive-practice-in-action-2024-a-seat-at-the-table/
Venue Details:
Amnesty International, London