Events & Courses
How to Evaluate your Impact
24 April 2024
This Sound Connections workshop aims to demystify the basics of impact evaluation when running music projects/programmes with children and young people
If you are running music projects/programmes with children and young people and want to better understand the impact of your work, this workshop aims to demystify the basics of impact evaluation.

This workshop will cover:

- Why evaluate?
- Theory of Change and Outcomes frameworks
- Planning and designing tools for collecting data
- Exploring the issues of inequity in evaluation and how to address this through an ethical, young person-centred approach
- Making evaluation meaningful and accessible to young people

The course will be interactive and task-based, giving you practical tools to take away.

Ticket prices:

– £25 individuals/freelancers

– £40 – orgs with a turnover of less than £100k

– £50 – orgs with a turnover of more than £100k

– Free to young people aged 16-25, students and unwaged

We want to ensure our training events are fully accessible and that cost is not a barrier. We therefore have a limited number of bursary places available to those who are unable to pay (subject to availability). Please email emily@sound-connections.org.uk to discuss the options.

For more information visit www.sound-connections.org.uk/events/how-to-evaluate-your-impact/
Venue Details: