  • Acheiving positive health outcomes via community-centred approaches
News & Views
PHE Community Guidance
Date posted: 07 March 2018
Public Health England has produced Health Matters, a new resource focusing on the concept and practice of community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing

Public Health England has produced a new set of resources for participatory and community approaches to developing positive health outcomes. The guidance includes approaches to social prescribing and building community wellbeing.

The guidance works from the premise that health is improved through strengthened community connections. “Positive health outcomes can only be achieved by addressing the factors that protect and create health and wellbeing and many of these are at a community level. Community life, social connections and having a voice in local decisions are all factors that have a vital contribution to make to health and wellbeing. These community determinants build control and resilience and can help buffer against disease and influence health-related behaviour.”

It notes that community based approaches to health improvement can be more effective than professional-led services in reducing inequalities through focusing on assets.
